simple fact a moment. Then, let them tick off on their fingers the number of other publications (good, bad or indifferent) which now freely publish homophile views. This simple bit of arithmetic furnishes as accurate a scale as any yet devised of the degree to which homosexuality has penetrated the very fabric of our society today.

And it will go farther. No force, no fulminations of law or of pulpit will alter the onward tide of social change upon which homophiles now rise toward their higher aspirations. Let those who become impatient or discouraged take the longer view and study what the social scientists have been telling us concerning the way changes come about. Let us congratulate ourselves that, from the evidence we have before us now, no Watts explosions are going to be needed or are likely to occur.

The Homophile Movement is a fact and a force in American life these days. An alert elite already has aligned itself with the higher levels of that Movement. This elite labors to bring about those higher levels of fair play and public morality that are the cornerstone and hallmark of American ideals of social justice.

Had more of us remembered that social justice is as inevitable as the sunrise there need have been no Watts. If more homophiles, and others, stand ready to learn and benefit from this lesson our society can move smoothly on to higher levels of personal freedom than it yet affords to most of its members.

Let us think on these things.

Richard Conger, Editor

As for me ...

a forum for your ideas

It was O.K. with me when Lori wanted to go across Los Angeles to ONE to get her manuscript. I had the day off anyway and couldn't think of a thing I'd rather do with it.

The part about the manuscript was touchy, but recalling another trip to ONE, over a year ago, and a night somewhat later when a staff member had come to our apartment for dinner, I looked forward to the visit with more anticipation than apprehension.

Happily, the same staff member himself came forward to greet us at the head of the stairs. He sat down at the reception desk under the skylight, bidding us pull up a couple of chairs, which nevertheless he rose to do, while I stood blinking across the room at the tree tops framed in the sunlight of the far windows.